"How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it." (George Elliston)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Join the Superheroes of Kindness in celebrating World Kindness Day, November 13th, 2011!
Help us see how many random acts of kindness we can perform together! Commit to performing one random act of kindness during the week of Nov. 7 - Nov. 13th.  Choose one act, to do alone or with your family.  Then, write us, letting us know where you are from and what act you completed (by Tues., Nov. 15th, please).  You can leave it at that, or add a few pictures (that you are ok with us putting up on our blog) and/or a little writeup about your experience.  Email your mission to superheroesofkindness@missoulacommunityschool.org

Check our blog on Nov. 16th to see how many superheroes ‘reported to duty’.  

Finding an act of kindness is easy.  Just stop for a minute and look to see what is going on around you.  Maybe you want to show someone you appreciate them (mailcarrier, parent or child, coworker, grocery clerk).  Maybe you want to surprise a stranger (bus driver, person walking down the street, someone you see that needs help in the moment).  Maybe you would like to just do good (donate time, service, or supplies to Food Bank, Homeless Shelter).  Do something that has meaning for you.  If you are doing it with your family, give your children a voice, and help them give you a hand.  

Stop and smile at someone.
Send a card to someone, just because.
Donate food or time to your local food bank.
Do your child’s least favorite chore for them.
Leave a care package for your mailcarrier.
Bring coffee or treats to the staff at the ER.
Give a flower to your bank teller.
Rake your neighbor's yard.

So far, 69 countries, and over 4,700 people  have checked out the Superheroes of Kindness.  Now, become one of us, even if for one day, and help us see the impact kindness can have on the world!  We look forward to hearing from you!

Your friends, 
The Superheroes of Kindness

*Don't forget to tell your friends!

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