The Superheroes needed to take a break from missions the last couple weeks as they prepared for their school's presentation night and participated in some fun field trips. Although the Superheroes were not out in physical force, they managed to influence those around them still. Here is a story one of the teachers created to help resolve a debate between herself and one of the children.
In another classroom within the school, a debate has been occurring between a student (four years old) and a teacher. The child, who believes with all her heart she is a unicorn, created an animal. This animal was a pegacorn, a mix between a unicorn and a pegasus. The debate was that a pegacorn and a dragon could not be friends. It was well known that the dragon would come after the pegacorn, and the pegacorn would perform donkey kicks to fend off the dragon. But, the teacher was sure that (with help) the pegacorn and dragon could learn to be friends. The child disagreed. It should be noted the child was a fan of the superheroes and I believe has her own superhero cape. Well, in a last, very well thought out, attempt to prove these two could be friends, the teacher created a picture and story for the child.
Thanks Allison, for using the superhero way to help spread your message of friendship.
The Superheroes will be going on their last school year missions in the next week. But the superhero work does not end with the last day of school. We will be working with Imagine Missoula, a local organization, to provide a few opportunities over the summer for anyone (young or old) who would like to be a superhero to join in on a mission. Our first joint mission is coming up. A nice elder woman needs help painting her fence, and has accepted the superhero offer of help. Any child who participates will be able to have their picture taken in a cape. This is the way it will work. Because this is our first attempt at joining these superhero preschoolers with Imagine Missoula's superheroes who work during the day, we are putting out two dates - Wednesday June 1st or Tuesday June 7th (4pm both days). If you are able and willing to join this momentous mission, email me through the superhero email address telling me which day you can help. We will choose the date in which we are able to get an ample number of volunteers, both young and old. Hope to see you there!